Sheng Zhao* and Russell D. Fernald
Department of
Biological Sciences & Program in Neuroscience
Asked Questions:
Q01. Our Real-time PCR system runs on a Mac. How can we use a PC to use
Q04. Can I use the efficiency for each individual sample to do the
Q05. Should I always submit my data from only single plates?
Q06. Why some of my samples are considered as blank by Miner and did not
produce any efficiency and CTs?
Q07. How can I export my data from Bio-Rad MyIQ or iCycler system?
Q08. How can I export my data from Stratagene MX3000/4000 system?
Q09. How can I export my data from ABI system?
Q10. Is there an easy way to tell the data I submitted is pure raw data
or baseline subtracted data?
Q11. How to cite Miner?
Q12. How to support this website?
Q13. Why did I get error messages like "Exponential phase fit
Q14. Can I run Miner software locally in my PC?
Q01: Our Real-time PCR
system runs on a Mac. How can we use a PC to use Miner?
A01: The program will run on
the server and send the results back to you by email, you do not need to
run Miner on your own computer.
Q02: Why should I always
include the cycle numbers as the first column in the data? Why
are they not just 1, 2, 3...?
A02: Because in different
platforms, they might choose different time for each PCR cycle when
recording fluorescence. For example, in ABI systems and Stratagene MX3000/4000,
they use 1, 2, 3 for each cycle, while in MyIQ and iCycler from Bio-Rad, they
use fractional number for each cycle (eg. 0.58, 1.58, 2.58, etc.)
Q03: When I do
quantification using the efficiency and CTs computed from Miner, which number
should I use, the one for individual sample, for replicates, or for each gene?
A03: In most case, we
recommend to use the average efficiency of each gene and the average CTs of
each replicates (replicates from the same sample, or "PCR replicates")
to do quantification. While when you concerned the tissue or treatment specific
inhibitory or activatory effect of PCR reaction for the same gene in your
experiment, you might need to use the average efficiency of replicates instead
of the average efficiency of each gene. But in this case, you had better use
more replicates (6 or more) for each group to get accurate average efficiency
from replicates because you have fewer samples to do the average (like only
three if you do triplicates). Here is an example in
Excel file for how to do the quantification using the average efficiency of
each gene and the average CT of replicates.
Q04: Can I use the
efficiency for each individual sample to do the quantification?
A04: Theoretically yes. Miner
does produce the efficiency for each reaction. However, since the exponential
phase for each reaction usually contains 6 to 8 cycles (not many points),
the estimation for the efficiency from single reaction might be slightly inaccurate
although Miner optimizes all the calculation steps. Therefore, we still
recommend to use the average efficiency of all samples for each gene (the same
primer set) to do the quantification. In most case, only if you want to
know how much do tissue or treatment specific inhibitory and activatory effects
of PCR reaction for the same gene exist in your experiment, you might want
use the averaged efficiency for replicates instead for each gene to do the
quantification computation. Even though, we recommend you use more replicates
(more than 5 or 6) instead of only triplicates to run your Real-time PCR
Q05: Should I always
submit my data from only single plates?
A05: No. But please
make sure you assigned correct title for each samples so that you
won't confused when you run a lot of samples. Note, we still think one
should at least put the internal control genes together with the
interested genes for the same tissue or treatment on the same plate when
he run PCR to make sure the normalized data by using reference gene (eg. Actin,
G3PDH, 18S rRNA) are comparable.
Q06: Why some of my
samples are considered as blank by Miner and did not produce any efficiency and
A06: When the amplification
starts very late, these sample even has not finished the exponential phase.
These late amplified sample should not be used as the quantification samples
and will never accurate because they have not provided enough information yet
no matter what kind of method you choose to calculate the efficiency and CTs.
When this happened, you can either increase the input concentration in the
experiment or use more total cycles for the PCR to allow the reaction curve to
at least finish the exponential phase. For the extremely low concentration
samples, you might need choose better reverse transcription kit and PCR supper
mix to ensure enough amplification.
Q07: How can I export my
data from Bio-Rad MyIQ or iCycler system?
A07: The MyIQ and iCycler
system, they provide "Background subtract data". Right click the mouse on
the graph after choose this "Background subtract data" for plotting.
Select "Show data" in the popup menu. You will see a excel-like table
show up on the top which are the raw fluorescence vs. cycle. Copy and paste the
data in table including the cycle numbers to any program which can haddle
column data (eg. Excel (<=255 sample if by column), SPSS, and SigmaPlot).
After give a suitable title for each column (in "GeneName_ReplicateName_
ReplicateNumber" format), you can copy the data with the title on the
first row into the our website and submit them to Miner for analyses. Note,
please do not include the well position information in the submited data (eg.
A1, A2, A12...B1, B2...B12...H1, H2...H12). And never use any character except
all letters, numbers, and "_".
Q08: How can I export my
data from Stratagene MX3000/4000 system?
A08: In Stratagene
MX3000/4000 system, there are two kinds of fluroscence vs. cycle data you
can find, "R multicomponent" and "Rn". "R
multicomponent" flurorescence is the pure raw data of the PCR experiment,
while "Rn" is the normalized raw data by using ROX internal dye.
MX3000/4000 software can export "Rmulticomponent" (NOT "Rn" or
"dRn"!) data to Excel file with a sheet named
"Chart Data Excel". But the format of this sheet is quite
different from the one Miner needs. We made a "Macro" as
below to automate the re-format process. Please select both ROX and FAM for the Amplification
Plot (at left bottom corner) before you export the data by using "Chart Data
Excel...Format1-Vertical" in "File" menu even you do
not use ROX at all (otherwise, you need re-write the Macro below). You can
copy and paste the macro code into the exported Excel file's Macro editor and
run it. The Macro will generate a new sheet named "Fluo vs. Cycle" with
the re-formated data. After give a suitable title for each column
(in "GeneName_ReplicateName_ ReplicateNumber" format), you can
copy the data with the title on the first row into the our website and submit
them to Miner for analyses. Note, please do not include the well position
information in the submited data (eg. A1, A2, A12...B1, B2...B12...H1,
H2...H12). And never use any character except all letters, numbers, and "_".
'Macro for re-formating the exported data from stratagene MX3000/4000 system
'Usually, you only need run once
for re-formating the data.
'If you run this macro more than
once for the same excel file,
'make sure delete the "Fluo
vs. Cycle" sheet or change a name for this sheet first before you re-run
Sub FormatDataForMiner()
originalName = Worksheets(1).Name
Worksheets(1).Name = "Fluo vs. Cycle" 'Usually, you only need run
once for re-formating the data.
'If you run this macro more than once for the same excel file,
the "Fluo vs. Cycle" sheet or rename it first.
Worksheets(1).Move after:=Sheets(originalName)
i =
curBlock = Worksheets(originalName).Cells(i, 2).Value
CycleBlock = curBlock
curBlock <> "" Then
k = 1
Worksheets("Fluo vs. Cycle").Cells(k, 1).Value = curBlock
curBlock = Worksheets(originalName).Cells(i + k, 2).Value
k = k + 1
Loop Until curBlock = CycleBlock
nCycles = k - 2
i =
i + nCycles + 1
n =
curBlock =
Worksheets(originalName).Cells(i, 1).Value
If curBlock = "" Then Exit Do
Worksheets("Fluo vs. Cycle").Cells(1, n).Value = curBlock
For k = 1 To nCycles
curBlock = Worksheets(originalName).Cells(i + k, 3).Value
Worksheets("Fluo vs. Cycle").Cells(k + 1, n).Value = curBlock
n = n + 1
i = i + nCycles + nCycles + 2
End Sub
'Macro for re-formating the exported data from stratagene MX3000/4000 system
'Good luck for your Real-time PCR.
Q09: How can I export my
data from ABI system?
A09: In ABI system, like
7700, there are two kinds of fluroscence vs. cycle data that you can
find, "Rn" and "delta Rn". "Rn" is the
reporter signal normalized to the Passive Reference for a given reaction. The
delta "Rn" value is the "Rn" value minus the "Rn"
value for the No Template Control (kind of baseline).
Because Miner will can determine the baseline itself
objectively, you should always use the "Rn" data instead of
"delta Rn" data. After choosing "Clipped
Data" , the latest version of ABI software (SDS) can exports
both the "Rn" and "delta Rn" data to Excel
file. For old version of SDS software, one need set both the start cycle and stop cycle of baseline to zero and update the
analysis result within SDS software before export the "Clipped Data" to make sure the
resulted raw data do not perform any baseline
subtraction. After give a suitable title for each column (in "GeneName_ReplicateName_
ReplicateNumber" format), you can copy the data with the title on the
first row into the our website and submit them to Miner for analyses. Note,
please do not include the "delta Rn" data and the well position
information in the submited data (eg. A1, A2, A12...B1, B2...B12...H1,
H2...H12). And never use any character except all letters, numbers, and "_".
Q10: Is there an easy way
to tell the data I submitted is pure raw data or baseline subtracted data?
A10: Yes. You can have a
quick look of the data you exported from the Real-time PCR machine, especially
the first 15 row. The number of pure raw data should always larger than the one
after baseline subtraction. If you find any negative value or zero, that means you
might export the baseline subtracted data. For the machine use the minimal
value as baseline, you need choose the data set with larger value.
Q11: How to cite Miner?
A11: Sheng Zhao, Russell D.
Fernald. Comprehensive algorithm for quantitative real-time polymerase chain
reaction. J. Comput. Biol. 2005 Oct;12(8):1045-62. PubMed and PDF
Q12: How to support this
A12: Thanks for your support.
Please read the page for supporting this
Q13: Why did I get error
messages like "Exponential phase fit failed!"?
A13: There are several
possible reasons:
Your input data are not in correct format for Miner.
Your input data are not original raw data.
Your data might noisy or not fit the three-parameter
simple exponent model.
Your data have unusual efficiency out of the default
For reasons 3 and 4, you can try to change the basic options before you run Miner.
Q14: Yes, you can download the local command line version of Miner to run in your own PC (Windows only). You can use the option "/?" to get the help for the basic options.
Q15: More?
A14: Comming soon ... ..
* Correspondence to:
Sheng Zhao
Lance Kriegsfeld Lab
Neurobiology Research Laboratory
Department of Psychology and
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute
3210 Tolman Hall
UC Berkeley
Phone: 1-510-643-9899